@thesis{thesis, author={Marchyani Levina and Pratama Vincent Otto}, title ={Pra Desain Pabrik Pigmen Besi Oksida Kuning Dari Limbah Pasir Besi Proses Bayer}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.its.ac.id/100861/}, abstract={Pigmen besi oksida kuning dibutuhkan dalam berbagai industri seperti cat, tinta, kosmetik, serta tekstil. Persentase kebutuhan pigmen besi oksida kuning di antara pigmen besi oksida keseluruhan yaitu sebesar 27%. Tingginya kebutuhan impor Indonesia terhadap pigmen besi oksida kuning dan ketersediaan bahan baku dalam negeri menjadi alasan pendirian pabrik ini. Pabrik Pigmen Besi Oksida Kuning dari Limbah Pasir Besi Proses Bayer direncanakan dibangun pada tahun 2023 dengan kapasitas 172.613 ton/tahun. Lokasi yang dipilih adalah sekitar kompleks PT. Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA), Tayan, Kalimantan Barat. Hal ini dikarenakan pabrik pigmen menggunakan bahan baku yang berasal dari produk samping PT. ICA. Pabrik pigmen besi oksida kuning yang didirikan akan dioperasikan selama 330 hari selama satu tahun. Proses produksi akan dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu pre-treatment, presipitasi, filtrasi, drying, dan milling. Pabrik pigmen besi oksida ini memiliki Internal Rate of Return sebesar 16,76% yang berada di atas bunga pinjaman bank sebesar 9,25% per tahunnya. Pabrik ini membutuhkan investasi awal sebesar Rp9.698.768.678.760,09 dengan waktu konstruksi selama 3 tahun dan waktu operasi selama 20 tahun. Jangka waktu pengendalian modal (Pay Out Time) selama 5,5977 tahun. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa pabrik pigmen besi oksida ini layak didirikan dari segi teknikal dan dari segi finansial sangat feasible untuk didirikan dan dioperasikan. ============================================================================================================ Yellow iron oxide pigment is needed in various industries such as paints, inks, cosmetics, and textiles. The percentage of yellow iron oxide pigment needed among all iron oxide pigments is 27%. The high demand for Indonesian imports of yellow iron oxide pigment and the availability of domestic raw materials are the reasons for the establishment of this factory. The Yellow Iron Oxide Pigment Plant from Iron Sand Waste of Bayer Process is planned to be built in 2023 with a capacity of 172,613 tons/year. The selected location is around the PT. Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA), Tayan, West Kalimantan. This is because the pigment factory uses raw materials from PT. ICA. The yellow iron oxide pigment plant being established will operate for 330 days a year. The production process will be divided into several stages, namely pre-treatment, precipitation, filtration, drying and milling. This iron oxide pigment plant has an Internal Rate of Return of 16.76% which is above the bank loan interest of 9.25% per year. This factory requires an initial investment of IDR 9,698,768,678,760.09 with a construction time of 3 years and an operation time of 20 years. The Pay Out Time is 5.5977 years. The results of the analysis show that the iron oxide pigment factory is feasible from a technical point of view and from a financial point of view it is very feasible to set up and operate.} }