@thesis{thesis, author={Fahmi Farhand Ally}, title ={Analisa Ekonomi Rekonfigurasi Sistem Distribusi AC Menjadi D Pada Kapal Tanker Dengan Pembangkit Listrik Hybrid}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.its.ac.id/100898/}, abstract={Kapal tanker menempati posisi kedua terbanyak di dunia sebesar 29%, sehingga kapal tanker berada pada posisi ketiga penyumbang emisi CO2 dunia sebesar 13%. Pengembangan pembangkit energi baru terbarukan (EBT) dapat menurunkan emisi CO2. Salah satu bentuk pembangkit EBT adalah photovoltaic. Pembangkit listrik hybrid diterapkan pada kapal dengan kombinasi photovoltaic dan diesel generator. Penerapan sistem distribusi DC pada kapal dapat menurunkan konsumsi bahan bakar dikarenakan diesel generator yang beroperasi pada kecepatan optimal. Kombinasi sistem distribusi DC dengan pembangkit listrik hybrid dapat menurunkan nilai voltage drop dan power loss. Rekonfigurasi sistem distribusi AC menjadi DC menimbulkan kemungkinan kenaikan biaya investasi. Namun penurunan voltage drop dan power loss berpotensi meningkatkan efisiensi dan mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar. Oleh karena itu analisis ekonomi pada rekonfigurasi ini perlu dilakukan. Biaya investasi diperoleh melalui penjumlahan harga komponen kelistrikan sistem distribusi AC maupun DC berdasarkan harga pasaran. Konsumsi bahan bakar diesel generator merupakan hasil perkalian SFOC dengan output daya generator berdasarkan simulasi aliran daya. Untuk mengetahui konsumsi bahan bakar dalam satu trip maka dibutuhkan data operasional kapal yang didapat melalui website pelacakan kapal dan peraturan tentang standar kinerja pelayanan operasional pelabuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biaya investasi distribusi DC lebih besar daripada distribusi AC dengan selisih biaya sebesar Rp. 4.918,345,659. Dikarenakan penambahan komponen pada sistribusi DC berupa inverter dan rectifier. Konsumsi bahan bakar generator pada 4 kondisi operasional kapal di sistem distribusi AC lebih tinggi dibanding sistem distribusi DC. Hal ini dapat terjadi akibat penurunan power loss dan pengoperasian generator pada putaran optimal di sistem distribusi DC. Analisis ekonomi menggunakan metode cost and benefit dan discounted payback time menunjukkan pengembalian nilai investasi terjadi pada tahun ke-3,5. Nilai levelized cost of electricity menunjukkan distribusi DC lebih tinggi daripada distribusi AC pada awal tahun proyek, namun seiring berjalannya tahun kedua sistem distribusi cenderung mendekati nilai yang sama. ================================================================================================================================= Tankers occupy the second largest position in the world at 29%, so tankers are in the third position contributing to world CO2 emissions by 13%. The development of new renewable energy plants can reduce CO2 emissions. One form of renewable energy is photovoltaic. A hybrid power generation system is applied to ships with a combination of photovoltaic and diesel generators. The application of the DC distribution system on the ship can reduce fuel consumption due to the diesel generator operating at optimal speed. The combination of a DC distribution system with a hybrid power plant can reduce voltage drop and power loss values. Reconfiguring the AC distribution system to DC has the possibility of increasing investment costs. But on the other hand, a decrease in voltage drop and power loss has the potential to increase efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Therefore, an economic analysis of this reconfiguration needs to be carried out. Investment costs are obtained through the sum of the prices of the electrical components of the AC and DC distribution systems based on market prices. Diesel generator fuel consumption is the result of multiplying SFOC by generator power output based on power flow simulation. To find out the fuel consumption in one trip, it is necessary to obtain ship operational data obtained through the ship tracking website and regulations on port operational service performance standards. The results showed that the investment cost of DC distribution is greater than AC distribution with a cost difference of Rp. 4,918,345,659. Due to the addition of components to the DC distribution in the form of inverters and rectifiers. Generator fuel consumption in 4 ship operational conditions in the AC distribution system is higher than in the DC distribution system. This can occur due to a decrease in power loss and generator operation at optimal rotation in the DC distribution system. Economic analysis using the cost and benefit method and discounted payback time shows that the return on investment occurs in year 3,5. The levelized cost of electricity shows that DC distribution is higher than AC distribution at the beginning of the project year, but as the year progresses the two distribution systems tend to approach the same value.} }