@thesis{thesis, author={Faris Adrian and Miftah Imam Maarif}, title ={Pra Desain Pabrik MOSOF (Modified Sorghum Flour) Dari Biji Sorgum Dengan Proses Fermentasi Lactobacillus Plantarum Sebagai Subtitusi Tepung Terigu}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.its.ac.id/100986/}, abstract={Perancangan Desain Pabrik Pembuatan MOSOF (Modified Sorghum Flour) dari Biji Sorgum direncanakan mulai konstruksi tahun 2026 di Lamongan dan mulai beroperasi tahun 2028 . Pabrik akan beroperasi kontinyu 24 jam per hari selama 330 hari. Pemilihan lokasi di Lamongan ini didasarkan oleh hasil AHP dari ketersediaan bahan baku tertinggi di Jawa Timur yaitu sebesar 13.500 ton/tahun pada tahun 2022 dan tahun 2024 ditargetkan pemerintah akan diproyeksikan mencapai 154.464 ton/tahun serta jawa Timur menjadi pasar terbesar dari perusahaan yang membutuhkan tepung sorgum sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pangan untuk PT. Bogasari Flour Mills (Indofood). Produksi Tepung sorgum dengan bahan baku Biji Sorgum sebesar 328.488 kg/hari, Bakteri Lactobacillus Plantarum 10,530 kg/hari, dan nutrient (MRS Brouth) 2177,520 kg/jam, dapat dihasilkan produk Tepung Sorgum sebesar 80.000 ton/tahun. Proses produksi tepung diuraikan menjadi 3 tahapan proses yaitu, pertama proses continous pre-treatment untuk mengupas kulit biji sorgum beserta pencucian, kedua proses pengolahan produk, yang meliputi proses batch dari fermentasi menggunakan bakteri Lactobacillus Plantarum dengan suhu 30oC menggunakan fermentor dan pendingin jacket untuk mengontrol suhu, proses fermentasi akan meningkatkan kadar protein sejumlah 11,000% serta dilanjut pemisahan slury MOSOF, dan ketiga proses continous yang meliputi pengeringan, proses penghalusan atau penepungan 80 mesh, dan pengemasan produk. Berdasarkan studi evaluasi ekonomi pabrik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penaksiran modal (CAPEX) sebesar Rp 561.176.958.858,691dan biaya produksi total (OPEX) sebesar Rp 592.571.491.247,285 Selain itu, menunjukkan nilai kekayaan yang dihasilkan (NPV) sebesar Rp576.219.666.223,592 laju pengembalian modal (IRR) sebesar 24% dengan bunga pinjaman bank BNI korporasi sebesar 8% per tahun. Waktu pengembalian modal (POT) selama 3,6 tahun serta BEP dengan nilai 45,731%. Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pabrik MOSOF (Modified Sorghum Flour) dengan kapasitas 80.000 ton/tahun layak untuk didirikan secara ekonomis. ================================================================================================================================== The design of the MOSOF (Modified Sorghum Flour) Manufacturing Plant from Sorghum Seeds is planned to start construction in 2026 in Lamongan and start operating in 2028. The factory will operate continuously 24 hours per day for 330 days. The choice of location in Lamongan is based on AHP results from the highest availability of raw materials in East Java, namely 13,500 tons/year in 2022 and in 2024 the government is projected to reach 154,464 tons/year and East Java is the largest market for companies that need sorghum flour as a raw material for making food for PT. Bogasari Flour Mills (Indofood). In fulfilling the annual capacity, production of sorghum flour with raw material of sorghum seeds is 328.488kg/day, Lactobacillus Plantarum bacteria 10,530 kg/day, and nutrient (MRS Brouth 2177,520 kg/day, can produce sorghum flour products of 80,000 kg/hour . The production process of sorghum flour from sorghum seeds can be broken down into 3 stages of the process, namely, the first is a continuous pre-treatment process to peel the sorghum seed coat along with washing, the second is the product processing process, which includes a batch process of fermentation using Lactobacillus Plantarum bacteria at 30o C using a fermenter and cooling jacket to control the temperature, the fermentation process will increase the protein content by 11% and continue the separation of the MOSOF slurry, and the three continuous processes which include drying, 80 mesh refining or flouring process, and product packaging. Based on the factory economic evaluation study, it can be concluded that the estimated capital (CAPEX) is IDR 561.176.958.858,691 and the total production cost (OPEX) is IDR 1592.571.491.247,285. In addition, it shows a value of generated wealth (NPV) of IDR 576.219.666.223,592 with a rate of return on capital (IRR) of 24% with an interest on corporate BNI bank loans of 8% per year. Payback period (POT) for 3.6 years and BEP with a value of 45,731%. Based on the economic analysis, it can be concluded that the MOSOF (Modified Sorghum Flour) plant with a capacity of 80,000 tons/year is economically feasible to build.} }