@thesis{thesis, author={Pratiwi Anita Cipta}, title ={GAMBARAN NYERI DADA PADA PASIEN SINDROM KORONER AKUT (SKA) DI RUMAH SAKIT DR. SOEPRAOEN MALANG}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.itsk-soepraoen.ac.id/289/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Nyeri merupakan gejala kardinal pasien infark miokard akut. Sifat nyeri dada angina sebagai berikut: sifat nyeri seperti ditekan, rasa terbakar, ditindih benda berat, penjalaran biasanya ke lengan kiri, ke leher, Tujuan peneliti yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran nyeri dada pada pasien sindrom koroner akut di Rumah Sakit dr. Soepraoen Malang. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah penelitian dekskriptif. Populasinya adalah pasien yang mengalami nyeri dada pada penyakit sindrom koroner akut sebanyak 25 orang dalam periode waktu 4 bulan. Sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini Total Sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian adalah nyeri dada pada pasien sindrom koroner akut. Data dalam penelitian dengan lembar dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian di dapat hampir setengahnya Kualitas tajam sebanyak 12 orang (48%), dan sebagian kecil Kualitas tidak nyeri sebanyak 3 orang (12%). Hampir seluruhnya daerah dada sebelah kiri yang tertusuk sebanyak 19 orang (76%) dan sebagian kecil tidak nyeri 3 orang (12%) kemudian hampir seluruhnya mengalami skala nyeri 1-5 sebanyak 20 orang (80%) dan sebagian kecil mengalami skala nyeri 6-10 sebanyak 2 orang (8%). Kebanyakan hampir seluruhnya mengalami hilang waktu (<30menit) sebanyak 21 orang (84%) dan kriteria waktu yang sebagian kecil yaitu terus menerus (>30menit) 1 orang (4%). Diharapkan setiap perawat dapat berupaya membedakan nyeri dada pada pasien sindrom koroner akut. KataKunci: SKA, Kualitas, Letak Nyeri (Ragion), Skala (Scale), Waktu nyeri (Timing). ABSTRAK Pain is a cardinal symptom of patients with acute myocardial infarction. The nature of angina chest pain as follows: the nature of pain such as suppressed, burning sensation, crushed heavy objects, usually spread to the left arm, to the neck. The aim of the researcher was to describe chest pain in patients with acute coronary syndrome in Dr. Soepraoen Hospital Malang. The design of research used in the study was descriptive research. The population was 25 patients with chest pain in acute coronary syndrome disease in a period of 4 months. The sampling that used in this study was Total Sampling. The variable in the study was chest pain in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Data in research with documentation sheets. The results of the study were almost half the sharp quality of 12 people (48%), and a small portion of the quality was not painful as many as 3 people (12%). Almost all of the punctured left chest area were 19 people (76%) and a small portion did not hurt 3 people (12%) then almost all experienced 1-5 pain scale as many as 20 people (80%) and a small number experienced pain scale 6 -10 about 2 people (8%). Most almost all experienced a loss of time (<30 minutes) as many as 21 people (84%) and the criteria of time were a small part which is continuous (> 30 minutes) 1 person (4%). It is expected that each nurse can try to distinguish chest pain in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Keyword: SKA, Quality, Position of Pain, (Ragion), Scale (Scale), Time of pain (Timing).} }