@thesis{thesis, author={Desinanda Nur Husna}, title ={Paper Cut Light Box Surah Al-Fil dan Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai Media Edukasi Anak}, year={2024}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/11406/}, abstract={Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest Muslim population. However, in the aspect of education, it is still felt to be lacking because of differences in the worldview and the afterlife. For this reason, one way is needed for Islamic teachings to continue, namely by introducing education from an early age. In Islam, it is described that the early age (4-6 years) is an age that is easy to process or accept various speeches, behaviors, and experiences. Therefore, the design of paper cut light boxes as a medium for children's education has added value that is effective and creative with an approach to the scope of Hompimpaa Playschool. The research using the story on the interpretation of Surah Al-Fil about the Elephant that marks the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews, observations, and documentation. While the analysis method uses SWOT analysis to find out the advantages and disadvantages of paper cut light boxes. The results of the research are in the main media in the form of paper cut light boxes and supporting media in the form of posters, banners, stickers, sticky popups, and keychains. Keywords: Paper cut, light box, children's education, Prophet Muhammad SAW, Surah Al-Fil} }