@thesis{thesis, author={EVI RESMAWATI}, title ={REDESIGN USER INTERFACE MOBILE APPS SALINMAS SEBAGAI UPAYA MANAJEMEN SAMPAH ORGANIK MENUJU BANYUMAS ZERO WASTE}, year={2024}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/11447/}, abstract={Waste is a serious problem that needs to be addressed in Indonesia. Data from the Banyumas Regency National Waste Management Information System (SIPSN) shows that the district produces daily waste generation of 536 tons in 2022. To overcome this problem, the government and the community need to work together in waste management, especially because the Purwokerto city area has limited land. to manage waste. In an effort to improve waste management, the Banyumas district government launched the digital-based Salinmas (Banyumas Online Waste) application program, which allows residents to buy and sell waste online. However, this application experiences problems related to a user interface that is not user friendly, making it difficult for users to operate it. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the graphic appearance of the Salinmas application using the User Centered Design (UCD) method in order to improve the user experience and increase the effectiveness of the application. In the context of waste management, the Salinmas application has great potential to help facilitate buying and selling transactions waste efficiently. However, problems related to a user interface that is not user friendly can prevent users from utilizing this application optimally. Therefore, redesigning the graphic display of the Salinmas application using the User Centered Design (UCD) method is the right step to fix this problem. By prioritizing user experience, it is hoped that the Salinmas application can become easier to use and effective in supporting waste management in Banyumas. Keywords: Organic waste, mobile apps, Banyumas zero waste.} }