@thesis{thesis, author={M. Habiburrahman}, title ={Rancang bangun sistem presensi dosen berbasis web server}, year={2014}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/331/}, abstract={Development of telecommunication and information was very influential on the world organization. One of them in educational organization and college/ university, particularly in campus area. Requirement of the university student against latest information about the presence of the lecturer is helping student in guidance process of the lecturer who require immediately meet the lecturer. It became an obstacle because there is a late updating the information provided by the lecturer. From this, the application of information technology to renew the presence of lecturer on campus need to be developed in order to provide convenience to the student to obtain information about the presence or absence of lecturer in the room. In practice needed a tool that can provide information quickly to Inform about the existence of lecture can be monitored by web server. Manufacture of this web server programed in to ARDUINO. ARDUINO functioned as control devices that give command to LED to be active at high logic condition and inactive at the low condition when push button pressed then display the layout view as monitoring. Layout displayed when user already calling the HTML page by web address on browser so that student can monitor the presence of lecturer pertinent. From the result of the device design can be known that the device already operate well. The device can monitor the presence of lecturer through display layout on browser when the HTML page accessed via IP Although there is little error reading on recitation program. It is not a significant obstacle in operation of the device and the device still can functioned properly. Key word :ARDUINO, LED, push button, web server} }