@thesis{thesis, author={M Saripuddin Adnan}, title ={Implementasi load balancing metode ecmp, nth dan pcc dengan empat link internet menggunakan mikrotik routeros}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5142/}, abstract={Communication skills that do not know the time limit through the internet and with many users at any time, require efforts to improve performance and ensure the availability of internet connections continuously. Some of the solutions offered to guarantee internet connections include greater bandwidth and multiple links. Using large bandwidth will ensure the stability of internet traffic, while using multiple links will ensure that internet connection remains available at all times (high availability). The use of multiple links with large bandwidth requires load balancing techniques to divide traffic to these links, so that the bandwidth on all links can be used. This research applies failover and load balancing to the ECMP, NTH and PCC methods using four links on MikroTik RouterOS. Each link used has a bandwidth of 100 Mbps per link, with a total overall bandwidth of 400 Mbps. Testing of failover and load balancing techniques in this study is done by downloading files in the 50-500 MB size range, and capture packet using Wireshark to get Quality of Service (QoS) data. QoS parameters used are delay, jitter packet loss and throughput. The results of the implementation of the study obtained each method that shows unstable QoS due to differences in traffic transmission techniques in each method. Keywords: Failover, Load balancing, ECMP, NTH, PCC, QoS} }