@thesis{thesis, author={Fildza Amalia Zhafira}, title ={Analisis dan rancang bangun sistem monitoring tempat sampat pintar berbasis iot menggunakan protokol mqtt}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5285/}, abstract={At the time, both elements of the Government as well as elements of the community have started to declare Smart City. Smart City is the concept of city planning using technological developments, one of the main components in the smart city is smart environment. Smart environment will support the community's convenience as well as improves public health. Smart Environtment supported by a concept of the Internet of Things. Internet of Things is a concept where an object has the ability to transfer the data over the network without requiring interaction human to human or human to computer. One of the applications of smart environment in this research is to make the smart monitoring system of garbage that is able to send data in the form a graph every 15 seconds, so as to facilitate the janitor to do the cleanup without the need to spend time. Data exchange will use a protocol that is MQTT Protocol. MQTT Protocol is a protocol used for the implementation of the Internet of Things, and a sensor for measuring distance. Ultrasonic sensor HC-SRF04, Arduino Uno, and the Wi-Fi module ESP8266 as a connecting to the internet. This research also uses the ThingSpeak platform as a broker that will as well as a web interface to display a graph of distance. The delivery of this data will give the value of delay, packet loss, and throughput. The results of the research indicate high delay value, the highest value of delay reached 10.49 seconds and a small throughput reached 1.40, but the value of packet loss shows a value of 0% that have 100% accuracy of data delivery. Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart City, MQTT, Arduino Uno, Sensor Ultrasonic, Wi-Fi ESP8266} }