@thesis{thesis, author={Imam Syaiful}, title ={Rancang bangun alat pengamat inkubator berbasis wireless sensor network standar ieee 802.11}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5740/}, abstract={The development of communication and information technology is very beneficial in human life today. No wonder if the work that was done manually by humans in monitoring the incubator is often a failure due to rarely monitoring the incubator, therefore created a tool that can monitor and provide information about the state of an incubator anytime and anywhere using the method wireless sensor network which is a network that connects devices using esp processor from 8266 mcu node which is a platfom module of the internet of thing besides that there is a WiFi chip embedded in it as a wireless communication media to transmit data or information recorded by several sensors that are used on this device such as DHT11 sensors, sound sensors, and light sensors. The chicken egg monitoring system that is in this incubator uses WiFi as a wireless media that can be opened through Thingspeak or Thingview as visualization, and the MCU node as a controller. The expected results in making this system will run automatically and if the temperature, humidity, sound or light conditions in the incubator are in accordance with the plan, the system will provide graphical information on the provided Thingspeak and Thingview, and there are 2 security systems, namely private and publicity. Keywords: Node mcu esp8266, WiFi, Temperature, Humidity, Light, Sound, Thingspeak Security System, Thingview} }