@thesis{thesis, author={ANDRI KURNIAWAN}, title ={Rancang bangun alat pemberi makan kucing berbasis arduino menggunakan komunikasi bluetooth}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5865/}, abstract={Maintaining a pet at home requires a lot of time and energy. For people who are busy, it is certainly difficult to keep pets. So that with the creation of an Arduinobased cat feeder using Bluetooth communication. So that with this tool it will make it easier to provide food. This tool will use components such as Arduino Uno, Servo Motor, LDR Sensor, RTC, LCD, Bluetooth Module HC-05, and LED. In making this system using the Arduino microcontroller as an input and output controller in the circuit. for the command input on this system it is controlled by the android application to send data in the form of text to Arduino Uno to be forwarded to the output. So that Arduino Uno can receive data sent via the Android smartphone application via Bluetooth communication media. Bluetooth connectivity distance with the barrier is 8 m, and the distance of bluetooth connectivity without the barrier is 11 m. In measuring the LDR sensor voltage if there is food the voltage obtained is 0.31 V and the voltage if there is no food is 4.96 V.} }