@thesis{thesis, author={Desi Eka Herlyviana}, title ={Perancangan sistem informasi pelayanan administrasi kelurahan Karangklesem dengan metode prototyping}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/590/}, abstract={The development of information technology-based websites have become a means of business communication, promotion, even assist in the processing of the data-data is important especially in government agencies such as the village. Ministry administration subdivisions of Karangklesem are still using MS. Word to create a cover letter and description as well as the lack of information regarding requirement whe will tke care of the cover letter or description render service of prosess takes a very long time so service less effective and efficient administration. The process of designing this information system will use a prototyping method for establishing and implementing information systems administrative service in Kelurahan of Karangklesem. The results of the test validity and reliability in the final stages of the evalution indicates that the result is very satisfying because it has the results of validity 0.945 and reliability 0.943. Keywords : Information Systems, Service, Administration, Political Districts, Website.} }