@thesis{thesis, author={TITO ALIF PANINDITA}, title ={Perancangan jaringan fiber to the tower dengan teknologi gpon sebagai solusi operator seluler}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5914/}, abstract={As a provider of cellular signal service PT. Telkomsel in cooperation with PT. Telkom Access as an Internet provider. The limitation of microwave antenna in data transmission and voice make PT Telkomsel to migrate from microwave to fiber optic, to improve the access side of data and voice. The design of Fiber To The Tower is done in Jl Raya Karanggintung Purwokerto, this BTS Tower serves the area of campus of Jendral Sudirman University test conducted 5 times using different power that is + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, and + 9 dBm with ITU-T standard GPON, this calculation is used as a reference for the simulation to be done, for power level results on manual calculations with power input + 5 dBm generates a number of 1.84 dBm whereas for simulation generating numbers on OPM of-0.756 dBm, Until the last try using power input + 9 dBm generates 5.84 dBm number, while the simulation is 3.244 dBm, in the result of different power level 2 dBm because the calculation is used maximum number to insert attenuation in Power calculation Link Budget, and decrease the power level on OLT. For the test Bit Error Rate 1 using the Power + dBm resulted in the number 1.63223 x 10-190 which means the link used is feasible due to bits that Error on the link < 10-9 corresponds to THE standard ITU-T, and the Q-Factor parameter generates a number of 29.4177 Which means good link eligibility because more than the standard set is > 6. Decreased power in simulation caused by several factors on OLT such as PRBS modulator, Coding, Enhanced, Side Mode, RIN, Chirp, Polarization, Simulation, Noise, and Random Numbers. Keywords : Telecommunication, Tower BTS, Link Power Budget, BER} }