@thesis{thesis, author={KEVIN DWI ANDIKA HENDARTA}, title ={Rancang bangun sistem monitoring dan kendali irigasi berbasis internet of things (iot)}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5954/}, abstract={Provision of water for agriculture is very important, because the need for water with the availability of water for plants must be balanced. The problem of lack or excess water will cause plants to not grow and produce optimally. Overcoming water shortages to increase productivity and efficiency in the use of irrigation water is needed so that plants can grow optimally. In the current era the development of information technology is very advanced, one of which is the internet of things technology. Internet of things (IoT) in its application can identify, find, track, monitor objects and trigger related events automatically and in real time. Therefore, the use of irrigation water must be controlled so that it can have a positive impact on the development of agrobusiness by utilizing the IoT technology. With this IoT technology can provide solutions to the problem of irrigation. The study used several NodeMCU esp8266 devices, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a YL-69 soil moisture sensor and a servo motor. The workings of this device ultrasonic sensor detects the water level when the water level is less than 5 cm and the soil moisture sensor detects the moisture ADC value more than 700 then the android application will provide notification to move the floodgates. The results of this design are good because the ultrasonic sensor can detect water levels up to less than 2 cm and can detect soil moisture from ADC conditions 400 to 800 and if the soil is wet the ADC value is less than 374, the tool designed also has good service quality where from 33 times the packet loss percentage was 0% with an average delay of 71 seconds and an average throughput of 512,131 bit / s. Keywords: Irrigation, IoT, Ultrasonic Sensor. Sensor Soil Moisture, NodeMCU ESP8266} }