@thesis{thesis, author={}, title ={Sistem monitoring tempat parkir untuk kendaraan mobil berbasis internet of things}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5959/}, abstract={The development of the academic community in a campus has increased quite rapidly. This is because the number of students enrolled on campus is increasing and not to mention being added by lecturers and others. With this, problems arise in vacant land or parking lots that are increasingly difficult to find. Lack of information on vacant parking lots is one reason for parking problems. Car drivers who want to park their vehicles have difficulty determining which location is empty. Therefore, the existence of IoT technology is expected to be a solution that can overcome these problems. In this case TCRT5000 sensor is used to find an empty slot / parking lot, servo motor as a portal drive, Arduino Uno R3 as a microcontroller, NodeMCU ESP8266 as a wifi module, android application and LCD 16x2 keypad board for system monitoring. This system is able to work well, the TCRT5000 sensor is able to detect the car and then the data sent to Arduino is forwarded to the nodemcu so that it can be sent to the smartphone application via a database on firebase. QoS testing on this system has produced the highest delay parameter at a distance of 10 m with a value of 88.394 seconds, the lowest delay of 1.625 seconds at a distance of 8 m. Then packet loss with a percentage of 0% which means all data is sent without loss, the value of packet loss is influenced by large amount of data and delay. The highest throughput value obtained is 7886.093232 bit / s and the lowest is 237.8414998 bit / s. With this system it is expected to be able to help to monitor and search for slots / empty parking lots. Keywords: Parking, TCRT5000 Sensor, Arduino UNO R3, NodeMCU ESP8266, LCD, and Android Application, QoS.} }