@thesis{thesis, author={DINI MEGAWATI}, title ={Rancang bangun sistem monitoring pendeteksi ph dan suhu air pada akuaponik berbasis internet of things}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/5979/}, abstract={The aquaponics that unites the hydroponic crop cultivation system with fish farms are very fast lately because they save the land used. In this aquaponic system uses catfish and kale as a combination of accualure and hydroponics in a symbiotic environment that is mutualism. In aquaponics cultivation requires more attention to water, because water is an important factor in the growth of fish and plants in aquaponics. Things to note are the acidity of the water and the temperature of the water. So far, aquaponic owners still use manual methods to monitor water content. In this final project, the writer makes a solution to control the condition of the water using an Internet-based pH and temperature sensor that uses Arduino Uno as a microp controller, a pH sensor is used to detect acidity of the water, and a temperature sensor for temperature reading using DS18b20 and Wemos D1 Mini as a wifi interface to send data to firebase, and the MIT App Inventor application as an application used to display on a user's smartphone. Testing of each component uses different methods according to the needs of the components. From the results of testing the accuracy of the pH sensor for acidic water, an average error of 5,20% was obtained, pure water had an average error of 6.84%, and alkaline water had an average error of 2.38%. The results of testing the accuracy of the hot water temperature sensor obtained an average error of 2,28%, normal water had an average error of 2,28%, and the temperature of hot water obtained an average error of 2,28%. Keywords: Aquaponics, Internet of Things, Arduino UNO, Wemos D1 Mini} }