@thesis{thesis, author={Muhamad Syamsul Fallah}, title ={Analisis penggunaan teknologi etherchannel pada jaringan LAN (local area network)}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/600/}, abstract={The development of technology in the field of networking more rapidly. Research and research are conducted to improve data access speed performance, network security system, network capability, network hierarchy and other communication techniques. Data communications on high LAN networks cause the communication process to run slowly. This is strongly influenced by the bandwidth capacity of the network. Low bandwidth availability of actual needs is a factor that greatly affects the speed of data access. One methods to increase network bandwidth capacity is link aggregation. This technology combines two or more physical ports to form a logic port. In this study, an EtherChannel test was conducted on a switch network. The protocol used is PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol) and LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol). Testing is done 2 - 8 link aggregation using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) service and Video Streaming service with variation size of file (20 MB, 30 MB, 50 MB, 70 MB and 100 MB). From the test results obtained the average value of delay, jitter, throughput and packet loss sequentially, the use of FTP service PAGP protocol obtained 4.7520 ms, 0.226 ms, 9.7101 Mbytes / s, 0% and on the video streaming service obtained 14.740 ms, 13,1383 ms, 1,720 MBytes / s, 0.003%. Then on the use of LACP service protocol FTP 5.3573 ms, 0.266 ms, 9,2053 MBytes / s, 0% and on streaming video service 35.8658 ms, 13,5117 ms, 1,704 MBytes / s 0.006%. This QoS parameter is still in good category according to ITU-T G 114 standard for delay, jitter and good category according to TIPHONE TR 101 312 standard for packet loss value. The result of QoS delay, jitter, throughput and packet loss can be concluded that the use of Etherchannel technology on LAN network, PAGP protocol performance better than using LACP protocol. Keywords: Bandwidth, EtherChannel, PAgP Protocol, LACP Protocol, QoS (Quality of Service)} }