@thesis{thesis, author={FRANSISCUS OCTAVIANUS}, title ={Sistem Pengaman Laptop Menggunakan Force Sensor Berbasis Internet Of Things}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6030/}, abstract={Placing a laptop security at this time is still prone to debate and makes a loss for laptop owners if placed in the room and the owner travels outside, it is necessary to secure the owner's laptop desk to be followed up with buying a laptop. To win laptop security, security tools are used to protect against theft. This tool uses a system such as the force sensor as a pressure or force detector from the laptop, if the pressure or force from the force sensor changes, the phpoc will send a gmail notification to the laptop owner and the siren will sound. The method used in laptop safety systems uses internet-based sensors about things called prototype methods, ranging from system requirements to overall system testing and overall system evaluation. The tools used are phpoc wifi shield, Arduino uno, force sensor, and relay} }