@thesis{thesis, author={Isnaini Rizki Atika}, title ={Pengembangan Aplikasi Pendukung Praktikum Pemrograman Online menggunakan Framework Codeigniter}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6456/}, abstract={The development of information technology which is increasingly rapid in the current era of globalization cannot be avoided anymore its impact on the world of education. Practicum is one of the lessons that must still be done in order to better understand the existing material. The need for online practicum during the Global Covid-19 pandemic has increased because almost all aspects of life have moved to online activities. This study aims to build a supporting learning application for online practicum, which is equipped with online coding training features and other supporting features so that it can be used to assist online programming practicum. In this case the author uses the repl.it system as a cloud service which functions to store code, check code and compile code online. This application was developed using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. The advantages of this method are considered to be very helpful in developing applications that focus on project completion time. The features in this study are adjusted to the results of the survey the author has conducted. For system security testing is carried out with the result that the system is able to withstand XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks, SQL injection and user authorization rights. In addition, the system feasibility test is carried out by students and practicum assistants. The survey results from this study showed that 87.5% of students and 80% of practicum assistants gave a positive response to implementing the system in the implementation of online programming practicum. Keywords: Online Practicum, RAD, Cloud Computing, XSS, SQL Injection} }