@thesis{thesis, author={Putri Alimah}, title ={Kandang Ternak Ayam Pintar dengan Arduino Berbasis Internet Of Things}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6460/}, abstract={Chickens are a type of broiler that can fulfill community nutrition. Chickens are also a type of poultry that reproduces quite quickly. For large numbers of chicken breeders, with the acceleration of the breeding, it requires a lot of effort for safety in keeping the chickens in the cage, feeding the chickens, and temperature control to turn on the anging fan automatically on the chicken farm. Therefore, in this study, a system that aims to help chicken farms is more efficient in raising time and energy in raising chickens for safety, feeding chickens, and controlling the temperature to turn on the automatic wind fan in the coop. The method to be used is the prototype method. The results of this study are to make a security sensor system in a smart cattle pen using a PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor by providing a notification using the internet of things platform, namely blynk and a sound alarm on the Buzzer module, besides making an automatic feed bin, and making the system. in detecting the temperature to turn on the fan automatically. Keywords: (Passive Infra Red), Buzzer, DHT11, internet-of-things platform, blynk} }