@thesis{thesis, author={Ivan Pratama Sudirman}, title ={Analisis Perbandingan Performansi Kontroler Floodlight Dan Ryu Pada Software Defined Network}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6488/}, abstract={Important component of the SDN concept is a controller that directly controls the data plane of a device on the network. So, it is necessary to do research analysis to see how optimal the performance of a controller on the SDN. In this research, the controllers used Floodlight and Ryu. The research objective was to analyze the performance comparison Floodlight and Ryu controllers in sending User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic based on variations in the number of switches and hosts with the addition of background traffic. This research used fully connected mesh topology with variations in the number of switches and hosts is 6 switches 12 hosts, 8 switches 16 hosts, and 10 switches 20 hosts. Then, the comparison of Floodlight and Ryu controller’s performance will be done by adding a variation of background traffic starting from 0-800 Mbps using Iperf. The test parameters in the form of QoS include throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss based on ITU-T G.1010 standard. The results showed that the Ryu controller performance for the scenario in this research got better results than Floodlight controller performance for UDP services, based on the average value jitter 0,03 ms, delay 1,02 ms, and packet lost 0,49 % for Ryu controller is still below from ITU-T G.1010 standard compared to the Floodlight controller which has jitter 0,8 ms, delay of 1,4 ms, and packet loss 4,82%. Then, the average throughput value of 376,41 Mbps Floodlight controller has a more reliable capability in terms of UDP data traffic service delivery speed than Ryu controller which gets an average throughput value of 365,97 Mbps. Keywords: Software Defined Network (SDN), Controller, Floodlight, Ryu, QoS.} }