@thesis{thesis, author={Rifqi Fauzan}, title ={Analisis Sun Sensor Sebagai Penentu Sikap Utama Satelit Telkom 2 Dengan Matahari Sebagai Referensi Utama}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6490/}, abstract={Telkom 2 is a GEO satellite whose mission is for communication. In order to know about the Telkom 2 satellite is necessary to know the link budget in advance. In carrying out its mission, the attitude of the satellite needs to be known to the operators who are at the earth station. In practice, the sun sensor is the second sensor used to determine the attitude of the satellite after the earth sensor. As the second sensor to find out the satellite's attitude, a sun sensor is needed, the calculation of the attitude shown by the rotation model sequentially on three axes, yaw, pitch, roll in the order of ZYX rotation. For performance on roll and yaw pitch, the maximum value is roll axis = 0.036o , pitch = -0.028o and yaw = -0.149o . Then for the use of the sun sensor, the observed temperature that occurs on the sun sensor is -24o} }