@thesis{thesis, author={Ferdinanta Karo Karo}, title ={Perencanaan Jaringan 5g New Radio (NR) Pada Frekuensi 2,6 Ghz Di Kawasan Segitiga Emas Jakarta}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6495/}, abstract={A 5 G NR network preparation with a frequency of 2.6 GHz was carried out in this analysis, which was then tested using Mentum Planet 7 3 Automatic Site Placement (ASP) software to automatically assess the location of the site. Eight possibilities for situations of uplink and Downlink; outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) and outdoor-toindoor (O2I); as well as sight line (LOS) and sight line (non-line) (NLOS). Method of planning from the coverage side, with a case study covering an area of 7.2 km2 in the Golden Triangle area, South Jakarta. For this preparation, an effective propagation model is decided to support this, namely the UMa (Urban Macro - street canyon) model for obtaining parameters of SS-RSRP, SS-RSRQ, SS-SINR and Data rate. The simulation outcomes reveal that the configuration of the Downlink scenario requires more locations than the uplink scenario to serve the service area. This is influenced by the relation budget parameters, namely the value of the Downlink interference margin, which is greater than the value of the uplink interference margin. Scenario 7 (Downlink-O2I-NLOS) has the highest average SSRSRP, equivalent to -64,876 dBm, of all the observed SS-RSRP parameter scenarios. Scenario 3 (Downlink-O2I-LOS) has the highest average SS-RSRQ, equivalent to -12,801 dBm, for SS-RSRQ parameters. Scenario 4 (uplink-O2I-LOS) has the highest total SS-SINR, 6,041 dB, for SS-SINR parameters. Scenario 2 (uplink-O2O-LOS) has the maximum mean Data rate for the Data rate parameter, which is 202,595 Mbps. Keywords : 5G NR ,2,6 GHz, SS-RSRP, SS-RSRQ, SS-SINR dan Throughput} }