@thesis{thesis, author={Muhammad Sidik}, title ={Wastafel Portabel Otomatis Berbasis IOT Menggunakan Esp8266 Dalam Rangka Menyongsong New Normal}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6497/}, abstract={A pandemic is a disease that spreads globally over a large geographical area. The presence of COVID-19 makes everyone have to pay more attention to their own health and their environment. One of the recommendations given by WHO to the world community is to maintain cleanliness by washing hands, wearing masks, keeping distance and not crowding. If forced to into public places such as markets, banks and other public places, it is advisable to always wash your hands. Therefore, a wastfel is needed in public places that can minimize the touch of many people. Because, users could accidentally "transfer" this contagious virus to the object that was touched. So that the idea of a automatic sink that can be monitored via a PC, laptop or automaticphone emerged. The technology offered in this research is automation technology. This automatic sink consists of a suite of automatic taps using the Infrared sensor HW-201 and a suite of monitoring tools using the ESP8266 and ultrasonic HC-SR04. This research has been done a lot. However, there are some differences between previous studies and this study. The difference is that in this study, the sink is more flexible with a simple design. If generally the water reservoir is at the top, in this sink the water reservoir will be at the bottom of the sink. So that it allows the sink to be placed in a narrow area. The results obtained from this study are the sensor accuracy of 99.34%, while the QoS obtained is for the Throughput of 278.6882, 93.35153 Delay and 0% packet loss, when compared with the standards given by TIPHON, these results are already very good. Keywords: Sink, Corona Virus, Ultrasonic, ESP8266, Infrared sensor H-201} }