@thesis{thesis, author={Titis Widiati}, title ={Pengembangan website “sanggarku” sebagai sistem informasi sanggar seni dan budaya di Kota Purwokerto dengan metode XP (Extreme Programming)}, year={2017}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/65/}, abstract={Art and culture is a valuable asset of the diversity of traditions in Indonesia. Art and culture of course need to be preserved so the existence does not receding by the culture of other nations. Art gallery is one of the real manifestation that can preserve existence of art and culture. Art gallery in Purwokerto spread in some areas, but the information media is minimum and data collecting is still manual. Needed an information system that can solve the problem, one of which is to build "sanggarku" website as a information system of art and cultural gallery in the city of Purwokerto. Website is effective information media because internet users and access are increasing from year to year.. In doing system development, software development method applied is XP (Extreme Programming), there are 4 stages in XP method Planning, Design, Coding and Testing. From the results of testing the system to the user, the user agrees that with the development website "sanggarku" they are easier to find information about the studio in Purwokerto more widely. Keywords: Art and Culture, Art Gallery, Website, Extreme Programming} }