@thesis{thesis, author={Queenta Paradissa Ramadhani}, title ={Analisis QOS (Quality Of Service) Open Virtual Switch Dengan DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) Guna Meningkatkan Performansi Jaringan Virtual}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6504/}, abstract={Virtualization is a technology that used to transform physical forms into virtual forms. Virtual networks in virtualization require virtual switches to connect multiple virtual machines. A commonly used virtual switch is Open vSwitch. The package through Open vSwitch is continued by matching the flow entries in the flow table. This makes package processing relatively slower as it passes through a lot of space. DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) is an extended packet that offers more efficient package processing performance by reducing the transmission space. This research conducted the application of DPDK in Open vSwitch, while analyzing its performance against of QoS parameters applied to virtual networks. The method used is increasing traffic 100 MB, 150 MB, and 200 MB by sending TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) protocol traffic as much as 30 tests for 20 seconds. QoS parameters measured are delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss. This research proves that the application of DPDK in Open vSwitch succeeded in increasing QoS performance on the network by 21%. The value of delay, jitter, packet loss decreases and throughput increases as the data size increases. The overall QoS parameter measurement results fall into an excellent category based on recommendation standards according to ITU-T G.1010. Keywords: Open vSwitch, Data Plane Development Kit, QoS} }