@thesis{thesis, author={Ramzi Aliy Afif}, title ={Analisis Kinerja Kanal Model MMWAVE Menggunakan CP-OFDM QPSK Dengan Frekuensi 28 Ghz Terhadap Pengaruh Redaman Hujan Di Kota Wonosobo}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6505/}, abstract={Cellular technology is increasingly developing, reaching the fifth generation (5G) by considering high frequency or mmwave, which is 28 GHz, which is able to meet bandwidth needs that have an average data rate of up to 10-20 Gbps. The results of the 5G channel research model were obtained in this study as many as 61 paths with a maximum rainfall effect of 1,029 mm/h and 59 paths with a minimum rainfall effect of 0 mm/h, so PDP with the influence of maximum rainfall has more paths than PDP with the effect of maximum rainfall. the effect of minimum rainfall. In this study, 9 PDP lines were the most representative to calculate the blackout performance, FER, and BER. The results of the 5G mmWave channel model were used to obtain blackout performance of 10-4, the results showed that the blackout performance with the effect of maximum rainfall was better than the effect of minimum rainfall at (R) = ½, ¾, and 1. This study, respectively. Perform channel model validation using the Frame Error Rate (FER) which is analyzed at 10-1 performance and Bit Error Rate (BER) which is analyzed at 10-3 performance without channel coding (uncoded) at rate 1. In performance FER with effect the maximum and minimum rain attenuation Eb/N0 24 is 0.1293 and 0.09471. Validation of the results of Bit Error Rate (BER) with errors in the theory of BER, minimum BER, maximum BER, namely 1.062x10-3 , 1.172 x10-3 , and 1.135 x10-3 . The results show that a strong channel coding is required such as repetition, polar code, or LDPC code so that the gap from outage with a small FER is required and to save power at Eb/N0 for Bit Error Rate (BER). Keywords: mmWave, Rain Attenuation, Power Delay Profile, Outage Performance, Frame Error Rate, Bit Error Rate} }