@thesis{thesis, author={Rifani Auliana}, title ={Analisis Unjuk Kerja Variasi Modulasi Pada Link Komunikasi Free Space Optic (FSO)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6506/}, abstract={Public demand for technology continues to grow rapidly and therefore must be supported by the availability of network infrastructure services. Free Space Optic (FSO) is a solution for communication with a large demand, apart from having wide bandwidth and low power consumption. To maximize the performance of the Free Space Optic communication system, the modulation used must be considered. This study compares the performance of a Free Space Optic (FSO) communication link using a variety of digital modulations to get the best modulation for use in a Free Space Optic (FSO) communication link in sunny, rainy and foggy weather. Simulations were carried out using Optisystem 17.0 software. In retrieving the data results using two attenuation models, namely the Kim model and the Kruse model with a variation of the transmission distance used is 500 meters to 10000 meters. The modulations used are QPSK modulation, 8 PSK, 16 PSK and 16 QAM. The results show that sunny weather has the best visibility compared to rain and fog conditions with an attenuation value of 0.46 dB / km on the Kim model and Kruse model. The FSO communication system got better BER results when the attenuation was smaller. In this study, it was found that the Kruse model had smaller attenuation than Kim's model. The Kruse model has an attenuation value of 3.42 dB / km in rainy weather and 30.66 dB / km in fog weather, while the Kim model has an attenuation value of 4.60 dB / km in rainy weather and 33.96 dB / km in fog weather. QPSK modulation has the best performance with BER values of 10-50 dB and the highest distance range and is 8000 m in sunny weather, 3500 m in rainy weather and 800 m in fog weather conditions. The 8 PSK modulation has a BER value of 10-50 dB with a range of 2000 m in sunny weather and 1500 m in rainy weather but does not meet standards in fog weather conditions. 16 PSK and 16 QAM modulations have BER values below standard, but 16 QAM modulations show better performance with an average BER of 10-3 dB in sunny and rainy weather conditions, while 16 PSK modulations have an average BER value of 10-1 . dB. Keywords: Free Space Optic (FSO), QPSK, 8 PSK, 16 PSK, 16 QAM, Bit Error Rate (BER)} }