@thesis{thesis, author={Ade I lham Srianto}, title ={Rancang Bangun Kandang Koloni Pintar Untuk Burung Falk Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6522/}, abstract={Birds are a species that have beautiful colors, melodious sounds, diverse shapes, and are widely bred by bird breeder. One of the objectives of this research is to create a smart colony cage for IOT-based Falk birds using WI-FI communication using NodeMCU, ultrasonic sensors, DHT 11 sensors, and module RTC. NodeMCU as a microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor to detect the rest of the drink in the container, DHT 11 sensor to detect temperature and humidity in the cage, water pump to suck water which is then sprayed through a sprayer to bathe the birds. The workings of this system are Ultrasonic sensors, DHT 11 sensors, RTC will send data to the microcontroller, then the data will be forwarded to the relay then the mini water pump will suck water from the reservoir which is then flowed through a hose to fill the bird's drinking water container. The data is also saved to the firebase database which will later appear on the android application. The test results from measuring the height of bird drinking water using ultrasonic sensors have an error percentage of 0.84%. The test of the DHT11 sensor compared to a room thermometer obtained a good level of accuracy and a small percentage of error, with an average accuracy in the experiment with a temperature of 26°C which is 99.05% with an average error of 0.95%, the experiment with a temperature of 27° C got an average accuracy of 99.34% with an average error of 0.66%, experiments with a temperature of 28°C obtained an average accuracy of 99.58% and an average error of 0.42%, and experiments with a temperature of 29°C obtained an accuracy of 99.83% with an error of 0.17%. The resulting Packet Loss has an average error of 0%, meaning that no packets are lost. Keywords : NodeMCU, Sensor, Firebase, Waterpump.} }