@thesis{thesis, author={Elindawati .}, title ={Sistem Monitoring Denyut Jantung Dan Suhu Tubuh Terintegrasi Smartphone Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6526/}, abstract={Heart rate and body temperature are health parameters that often used for humans. The number of deaths from heart disease has increased during the pandemic, and the lack of infrastructure and telemedicine services are also the factor. The purpose of this research is to design an integrated smartphone monitoring system with the principle of health from home. The system works to monitor the heart rate using a pulse heart rate sensor and body temperature using a DS18B20 temperature sensor. The results obtained that the system can be used as a health telemonitoring with the accuracy of 98.57% for pulse heart rate sensor readings and 98.55% for DS18B20 body temperature readings. The results of the QoS measurement system obtained for the throughput of 9.93 Kbit/s, 0.25 s delay, and 0% packet loss. Keywords: heart rate, pulse heart rate sensor, body temperature, DS18B20.} }