@thesis{thesis, author={Afif Dwi Yuka Waliyuddin}, title ={Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Air Pdam Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6527/}, abstract={Water is a source of life and a necessity for humans and living things. Almost all human activities cannot be separated from water such as cooking, washing, bathing, eating and drinking as well as other activities such as industry and agriculture. Along with the development of the era, the local government built a water management company or PDAM (Regional Drinking Water Company) to provide services in accordance with their duties, namely supplying hygienic water and having good water quality. At this time there are still Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAM) that use conventional or manual methods to determine water quality by measuring and analyzing one by one test data. This method will certainly take a long time, also the budget is not small. In this case, the detection of water quality in terms of pH and TDS parameters of water can be replaced by using an internet of things (IOT) based PDAM water quality monitoring system which can be monitored via the android application. The results of the test show that the average value of the pH metersensor SEN0161-V2 accuracy is 99.65%, the average value of the TDS sensor accuracy is 99.50%, and the results of the QoS throughput are 16378.32 bit/s, Delay is 0.43 s and 0% packet loss percentage Keywords: Water Quality, pH, TDS Sensor, Arduino, Wemos D1 Mini, Android Applicatio} }