@thesis{thesis, author={Dimas Satria Hadiatma}, title ={Perancangan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Penerapan New Normal m enggunakan Motion Grafik berbasis Budaya Banyumasan}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6535/}, abstract={The Covid-19 virus has plagued all corners of the world, even in remote areas. For Banyumas area on July 31, 2021, there were 21,346 cases, 721 died and 19,664 recovered. The increasing development of Covid-19 in Banyumas is caused by the lack of compliance with the community in implementing health protocols. The Banyumas Regent took preventive steps by issuing a circular letter number 360/5546/2020 which contained changes to the Banyumas regent circular letter number 360/4848/2020 regarding the extension of the three calls and warnings to the Banyumas regent for all citizens in an effort to prevent, control and stop the spread of covid. -19 in Banyumas Regency. The COVID-19 health protocol in the New Normal or New Normal is a solution planned by the government to bridge economic problems due to the impact of the covid pandemic. Therefore, the author tries to design a public service advertisement entitled " Design of Public Service Advertisements New Normal Implementation Using Motion Graphics Based on Banyumasan Culture ". In designing public service advertisements, the author uses animation design that begins with the pre-production stage, then is processed in the production stage and ends by the post-production stage. Gradually from pre-production, the writer wrote the story script, designed the characters, designed the art direction, and the story board. Then in the production stage start modeling, layouting, texturing, animation, and rigging. And finally, the post-production stage includes background sounding, dubbing and rendering into full motion graphics. The result of this research is a public service advertisement that uses motion graphics techniques with the aim of campaigning for the importance of the New Normal. This work uses the Banyumasan cultural approach to achieve the target, namely the Banyumas community. Keywords: Public service advertisements, Motion Graphics, New Normal} }