@thesis{thesis, author={Dwi Nur Rahayu Waspadaningrum}, title ={Redesain Majalah Ancas Banyumas untuk Meningkatkan Minat Baca Gen Z di Purwokerto}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6547/}, abstract={ANCAS magazine is the only magazine that uses the original language of Banyumas, namely Panginyongan. The target audience of ANCAS magazine is Generation Z, but not many Generation Z reads ANCAS magazine. One of the factors that makes Generation Z not interested in reading the magazine is the magazine cover design and promotions that are not appropriate. So, there is a need for a redesign to attract Generation Z's reading interest in ANCAS magazine. The design method used is a qualitative research method, using SWOT analysis. The results of the SWOT analysis will be used as the basis for the design method. In the design method using the analysis of how to say, what to say, ESP, tone and manner, desired response, design requirements and problems. The results of this analysis will be used as a guide for the design of the work. With a more stylish and modern design compared to the old ANCAS magazine design, it is hoped that Generation Z will be interested in reading ANCAS magazine. The visualization used in the redesign of ANCAS magazine is using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign applications. This study resulted in a redesign of the ANCAS magazine which is more attractive to Generation Z. Keywords: Magazine, Generation Z, Redesign} }