@thesis{thesis, author={Ivan Muhtarom}, title ={Pengaturan Suhu Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Berbasis Labview Pada Kalorimeter Untuk Percobaan Fisika}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6549/}, abstract={At this time technological advances in the control system have a very important role so that it provides convenience for human life. An example is an automatic dc heater in a calorimeter, where the control is to keep the water temperature in the calorimeter constant. At the time of the physics practicum at the Telkom Purwokerto Institute of Technology using a calorimeter, the practitioners measured the temperature manually using a digital thermometer. In this study, we will discuss the temperature setting on the calorimeter, where the controller uses fuzzy logic, the object to be measured is the output temperature of the calorimeter which has been detected through the LM-35 temperature sensor. NI-DAQ USB 6008 is used as data acquisition, because of its advantages that it is directly connected to the LabView software. The data collection process was carried out by comparing 7 tests, including testing without a fuzzy controller, testing a 1-input fuzzy controller with defuzzification of 74%, 80%, 84%, 90%, 90% gaussian, and testing a 2- input fuzzy controller. The temperature setting on the calorimeter with fuzzy logic is quite effective with 90% defuzzification, because the temperature can reach the set point value with a settling time of 40 minutes and has a steady state error of 1.1%. Keywords: Calorimeter, Fuzzy, LM-35, LabView, NI-DAQ USB 6008} }