@thesis{thesis, author={Ihza Mamta Mushaffa}, title ={Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengaturan Lampu Lalu Lintas Berdasarkan Tingkat Kepadatan Jalan Dengan Citect Scada Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6551/}, abstract={An effective traffic light system at road junctions is urgently needed, given the very high level of congestion, especially in big cities. With the rapid economic growth and large means of transportation every year, people prefer to use private vehicles. On the other hand, people want to avoid congestion, one solution is to make a better traffic light system to give the green light time when they are at an intersection. In this study, the authors made a traffic light system prototype to solve these problems. By responding to input from the photodiode sensor which detects vehicles entering and leaving the observation area. From the input, which is the queue length of the vehicle, it will be sent to the PLC, and the PLC will be programming using fuzzy logic based on the level of road density, which is not dense, normal, and dense. The output result is the length of time the green light is on the traffic light. It is hoped that this system will later reduce the level of congestion and will be able to make time more efficient. Key Words: PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), Traffic Lights, photodiode sensor, Fuzzy Logic} }