@thesis{thesis, author={Aji Pangestu}, title ={Pengaturan Suhu Pada Sistem Rumah Kaca Menggunakan Model Predictive Controller}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6553/}, abstract={With the development of technology in the field of electronics, it is possible to conduct a study to control the variables in the greenhouse system automatically. Efforts to control the temperature in the greenhouse require an additional device. The control strategy uses a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) control system with additional temperature control devices, namely, National Instrument USB-6008 Data Acquisition (DAQ), LM35 Sensor, L298N Driver and Heater. Implementation in the greenhouse control process is carried out using a Predictive Controller Model, making it easier to obtain values with every temperature change in the greenhouse system. Device testing is done by testing the entire system on the Labview software. Testing the pwm duty cycle program sets the value of the duty cycle, where the value of the duty cycle will be multiplied by a frequency of 100Hz. The value of 100 is the interval value of the time period for the division, so that when the duty cycle is 50%, 50 of the 100 divisions will be of high value and the rest will be of low value. The test results without the MPC controller have not been able to determine the desired sett point, because the results obtained in the test are still too high with a temperature range of 36.10C - 68.60C. And for data retrieval on the overall system testing is taken every 5 minutes to get a stable value. The results that are in accordance with the purpose of temperature regulation in the home system using the Predictive Controller Model are found at Np = 30 and Nc = 28 and Static Gain = 3 and Delay = 5, with a stable temperature of 30.2 °C according to the sett point. And when Np = 30 and Nc = 28 and Static Gain = 0.2 and Delay = 5, with a stable temperature of 31.1°C approaching the sett point value with a value of 30.0°C, it means that it only gets a small error and can be used for controlling greenhouse systems. Keywords: Greenhouse, Predictive Control Model, NI, MyDAQ, Labview, LM35, Heater} }