@thesis{thesis, author={Nadya Rahma Lisanti}, title ={Analisis Usability Testing E-Learning Menggunakan Use Questionnaire (Studi Kasus : E-Learning It Telkom Purwokerto)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6555/}, abstract={The development of E-Learning is currently very rapid, there are already many universities that use E-Learning to support the leraning process. Institute Technology Telkom Purwokerto has also implemented E-Learning to support the lecture process that can be be used by lectures and students. E-Learning at the Institute of Technology Telkom Purwokerto is managed by SISFO, namely IT Support which manages the information system at the Institute of Technology Telkom Purwokerto. In its use, lectures and students as users with the E-Learning system want to be able to use it easily and more efficiently to complete assigments. However, based on interviews with SISFO, there are still complaints that are often reported from lectures and students when using E-Learning. The purpose of this study is to analyze usability in E-Learning. The method used in this study is the USE Questionnaire. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnares from the USE Questionnaire to E-Learning users as many as 97 people. For data analysis using research instrument test and classic assumption test. The result of this study indicate that the varables of the USE Questionnaire namely Usefulness, Ease of Use, Ease of Learn have an effect on Satisfaction simultaneously. And each of the Usefulness variables, Ease of Use and Ease of Learn also have a positive effect on partial Satisfaction. The variable with the most influence is the Usefulness of 7,749. Keyword : E-Learning, Questionnaire, Usability} }