@thesis{thesis, author={Wiwit Farianto}, title ={Analisis Perbandingan Metode Marker Based Dan Markerless Untuk Penerapan Augmented Reality Pengenalan Objek Bersejarah Museum Soesilo Soedarman}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6558/}, abstract={The Indonesian state has cultural wealth which is a valuable resource that the Indonesian people must also keep. The Soesilo Soedarman Museum is an effort to preserve Indonesian culture, in which there is a collection of historical objects in the form of military defense equipment and Soesilo Soedarman's documentation. The Soesilo Soedarman Museum is an effort to preserve Indonesian culture, in which there is a collection of historical objects in the form of military defense equipment and Soesilo Soedarman's documentation. The management of the museum needs to be improvised in order to improve the performance of the museum. So far, the Soesilo Soedarman Museum has not applied the latest technology in the museum management process. Based on this, in this study the development of AR technology applications was carried out which aims to introduce museum objects in an interesting way and to digitize museum collections. There are two methods that are often applied to AR applications, namely marked based and markerless tracking. The two methods have different test results, according to their respective case studies. This study aims in addition to developing an AR application for the introduction of historical objects at the Soesilo Soedarman Museum, as well as to compare the two AR methods with a case study of the collection of objects at the Soesilo Soedarman Museum. The application that was built was tested using black box testing and beta testing methods. The conclusion obtained from the test results, for the average test results marked based method obtained an average of 75% and for the average test results the markerless method got 88% results. While the functional testing of the application got 89.7% success and for non-functional testing it got 87.2% success. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Black Box testing, Beta Testing, Marked Based Tracking Method, Markerless Method, Soesilo Soedarman Museum, Unity 3D, Vuforia engine,} }