@thesis{thesis, author={Muhamad Irfan Rafi’i}, title ={Perancangan E-Commerce Berbasis Web Dengan Menggunakan Metode Suggestive Selling Untuk Usaha Sepatu Darisiom}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6560/}, abstract={In the current era of globalization, information technology is developing very fast. The computer can facilitate human work and cyberspace or the internet as a liaison to find information. Darisiom is a line of business engaged in the sale of shoes which does not yet have a physical store. So far, shoe sales have been done manually and the marketing process is not optimal. To optimize the store marketing of Darisiom, in this study an online sales website (e-commerce) was created to display information on shoes offered by the store. This website will be implemented using suggestive selling, open source programming tools based on PHP, MySQL database and software development carried out using the Agile method. After the manufacture of the website is completed, the testing process is carried out using black box testing. Based on the black box testing carried out, the website that was built has been successfully running as expected. Keywords: Online Sales, Information Systems, websites, Shoes, darisiom} }