@thesis{thesis, author={Bunga Zati Hulwani}, title ={Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas dalam mengatasi Produk Cacat pada Produksi Sablon CUP dengan Metode SIX SIGMA}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6571/}, abstract={CV. Nata Jaya Group is one of the MSMEs that provides printing services for plastic cups. The problem that exist in the fiels is that there are still defective products produces in each production. This study aims to determine the factors that cause defective products and recommendations for improvement in order to minimize defective products or achieve zero defect. The method used in this study uses the six sigma method. The results showed that the factors causing defective products came from raw materials, machines or equipment, methods, humans, and the environment. The types of defects when printing were mostly scattered (61.9%), blotchy (31.9%), and skewed (6.19%). Recommendations for improvement are given based on the factors that cause the defect including raw materials, machines, methods, mans, and the environment to improve the quality of screen print cup in overcoming the problem of defective products. Keywords: defect, six sigma, MSME, screen printing, zero defect.} }