@thesis{thesis, author={Wahyu Bagas Laksana}, title ={Analisis Perbaikan Kinerja Perusahaan Menggunakan Metode Performance Prism Dan Metode Omax Di PT. Mitra Jofer Indonesia}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6573/}, abstract={Performance measurement is a process assessing the progress of work productivity toward the goals and targets include the use of resources and facilities in producing goods and services. The problem that occurs at PT Mitra Jofer Indonesia there is no overall performance measurement for stakeholders in the company. Performance measurement is only limited to measuring employee performance, such as employee productivity levels. The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators or criterias that affect the company's performance and measure the level of performance of the company's performance criteria so that recommendations are obtained for criteria whose performance is still below standard. The method used in this research are namely Performance Prism for determining Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the Analytical Hierarchy Process for weighting each KPI, Objective Matrix and Traffic Light System for measuring performance. The performance measurement shows that PT Mitra Jofer Indonesia's stakeholders include leaders, employees, customers, suppliers, and regulators. The performance measurement system has 52 KPIs include 10 KPI leadership stakeholders, 10 KPI employee stakeholders, 12 KPI customer stakeholders, 10 KPI supplier stakeholders, and 10 KPI regulator stakeholders. The calculation of the Objective Matrix show that the total KPI value and improvement index are 6,68 and 122.68% respectively. The measurement results can be used as input to PT Mitra Jofer Indonesia for evaluating and determining the improvement work plan. Keywords: performance measurement, performance prism, stakeholder, KPI, OMAX} }