@thesis{thesis, author={Khikma Mei Rida}, title ={Perancangan Prototype Aplikasi Tiket Wisata Di Kota Pemalang Menggunakan UX Lifecycle}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6588/}, abstract={Technology that continues to develop always provides new changes, such as booking travel tickets, which is one of the businesses that requires technology. Because this business requires a service to consumers quickly and communication is done in real-time. In this problem, there is a problem which states that of 21 respondents or 47.6% of the people of Pemalang city, they have difficulty when ordering tourist tickets in Pemalang City. Some people say that in purchasing tickets there are sometimes long queues so it takes a long time, Difficulty in queuing when buying tourist tickets, especially on weekends, and too long queues make you lazy. Based on these problems, a prototype design for the Tourism Ticket Application in Pemalang City was made using the User Experience Lifecycle (UXL) method. UXL has four stages, namely analysis, design, prototype, and evaluation. The problems obtained are then analyzed and converted into a system that can be used by users, the system that has been created is then evaluated for usability testing using the System Usability Scale method. The results of the System Usability Scale got a score of 77.1667 which was categorized as good (B). Keywords : Travel Ticket, User Experience Lifecycle, System Usability Scale.} }