@thesis{thesis, author={Sindhu Purnama Santoso}, title ={Evaluasi Usability Pada Website Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Menggunakan Performance Metrics Dan Kuesioner System Usability Scale (SUS)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6591/}, abstract={The rapid advancement of technology and information forces humans as users to always be able to adapt, the need for information and infrastructure to facilitate human work is something that cannot be avoided in everyday life. This progress also has an impact on all aspects of human life, one of which is competition between means of transportation, this has led to the emergence of information systems for transportation facilities that include promotional media, transaction media and even data storage in the form of websites, one of which is the kai.id website. The convenience and function of the website have an important role to attract users to access the website, to achieve the creation of a comfortable website, it is necessary to evaluate usability, one of which is by using the System Usability Scale. and also use performance metrics measurement in terms of efficiency. In this study, the results of the calculation of the average usability of the kai website were 75.1667 so it can be said that the usability of the KAI website on the ticket purchase feature was good and also the results of the calculation of Performance Metrics in terms of efficiency obtained an average score of 0.04 therefore it can be concluded it can be concluded that the KAI website on features related to purchasing train tickets, the characteristics of users do not experience confusion when working on tasks. Keywords : kai, website, usability, performance metrics, system usability scale} }