@thesis{thesis, author={Adelia Kencana Putri}, title ={Sistem Pemantau Densitas Debu Gudang Elektronik Menggunakan Kriteria Standar Pp No. 41 1999}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6596/}, abstract={Dust is a very small particle that is carried by the air or circulates in the air. The permissible level of dust in the air, especially in the workplace according to the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 13 of 2011 concerning Threshold Value (NAV) for physical and chemical factors is (≤5 mg/m3). These limits are the background of this study which aims to measure and determine the density of dust in a room in real-time. The sensor used is a GP2Y1010AUOF type dust sensor, where the sensor is a dust sensor that utilizes light scattering, then as a calculation, the researchers used the parametric statistical test method. The calculation results are in the form of dust density information measuring PM-2.5 and PM-10 which are then sent to the Antares platform and displayed. Based on the test results, it is known that the system is able to detect dust density, temperature and humidity values at the Depo Pelita electronic warehouse, with an average dust density value of 0.13 mg/m3, an average temperature value of 31 and an average humidity value of 76. In the analysis of the chi-square statistical test, X2 count (0.265) is smaller than the X2 table of freedom (1.645), so the null hypothesis is accepted and there is no relationship between dust and temperature. Dust is affected by activities that are around such as loading and unloading of goods and consumers who come to take orders. The dust level in the Depo Pelita electronic warehouse can be said to be still within safe limits because the average value of dust density (0.13 mg/m3 or equal to 130 g/m3) is less than the threshold value in Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 (150 g/m3). m3). Keywords: Monitoring dust density, PM-2.5 ,PM-10, Sensor GP2Y1010AU0F.} }