@thesis{thesis, author={Yusuf Ramli}, title ={Aplikasi pemetaan tambal ban di wilayah Purwokerto Timur dengan API Google Map menggunakan metode Adaptive Software Development}, year={2017}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/66/}, abstract={According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2015 noted that the motor and the car is a type of vehicle that is widely used by humans. Recorded in the District In Figures 2015 East Purwokerto has 6578 privately owned motor vehicles, 83 service vehicles and 33 955 pesetas learners. Flat tire is one of the problems faced by motorists so can result in impaired activity. Limited information about the location of the tire that is in an area and the tire problems that occur unexpectedly makes a problem and need a solution that quickly and accurately. With the application of location, list price, hours of service and a tire service call is expected to make it easier for riders to find the location of the tire when it suffered a flat tire. Selection of appropriate methods of development became one of the factors that may affect the success of the development of a system. Adaptive Software Development is the approach of Agile methodology. This approach has a learning phase and collaborate. This allows developers conducted by laymen, assisted by the experienced developers for the development of a system / application. Application information regarding the location of the tire is also rated by users more quickly to complete the search tire if you have a flat tire. Based on test results obtained by paired sample test 90% of users expressed needs, while based on black box testing and white box system is not an error. For further development of this application makes it possible to add new users, namely the owner of patchwork and location search automatically performed by the system. Keywords: Android, Tire leak, Adaptive Software Development} }