@thesis{thesis, author={Jihan Kumala}, title ={Analisis Model Bisnis Dan Strategi Bisnis Produk Usaha Kopi Menggunakan Business Model Canvas (Studi Kasus: Kedai Kopi Kontekstual)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6621/}, abstract={Coffee is transforming into a lifestyle in Indonesia, creating coffee shop business opportunities. The development of coffee shops in Indonesia has caused global competition to require every coffee shop to innovate business models and appropriate strategic planning as a step to increase competitive advantage. Every company needs to analyze and develop a strategy according to the needs and conditions of the company. The existence of the right business strategy can affect current and future business developments. The strategy makes the company better prepared to face external changes by exploiting the company's internal potential. The Contextual Coffee Shop as one of the coffee shops located in Purwokerto, is aware of the great benefits of technology on company performance, but the absence of a mature business strategy planning is one of the obstacles in business development. The Contextual Coffee Shop has taken advantage of a number of technological innovations such as creative content as an effort to increase attractiveness through social media and e-marketplace applications that are trending in society. Regarding the use of technology, there is an important issue that becomes a problem with the Contextual Coffee Shop, namely the in-detail sales report on the quantity of product sales per day and e-marketplace development priorities that have not been well planned. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the business processes that are carried out and to build an appropriate business strategy for the Contextual Coffee Shop. The canvas business model is used to map a business model based on 9 block elements. After mapping the business model, a SWOT analysis is carried out to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the contextual coffee shop canvas business model. The output of the SWOT analysis is the TOWS matrix as a tool to help develop appropriate business strategies for Contextual Coffee Shops. One of the results of this study is a business strategy to develop ecommerce to support marketing and brand awareness. Keywords : Kedai Kopi Kontekstual, business model canvas, business strategy, SWOT} }