@thesis{thesis, author={Christian Benyamin Aditye Saputra}, title ={Implementasi Open Optical Network Terminal (ONT) pada Jaringan Akses Fiber To The Home (FTTH) di Purwokerto}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6657/}, abstract={Technological developments in 2020 are increasingly rapid, people are starting to change their habits such as shopping, studying, transportation, even working from conventional to online. Internet service providers are competing to provide fast internet services to customers, ranging from Cellular Networks, WiFi, even Fiber Optics. This fiber technology uses GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network). PT Telkom itself uses FTTH technology, this network was chosen because it has a much larger bandwidth than copper cables, so it can support triple play services that require large bandwidth. PT Telkom uses several OLT brands such as ZTE, Huawei and Alcatel-Lucent (ALU). Due to the increasing number of subscribers in Purwokerto area and the limited stock of ONTs with certain brands, an ACS (Automatic Configuration System) was created by PT Telkom which functions to configure and monitor NTE (Network Termination Equipment) such as ONT with different brands and STB (Set Top Box) via the website so that it is possible to use different ONT devices with different OLTs. Average throughput on Huawei's open ONT is 151.29 Kbps, FiberHome is 122.85 Kbps which has a greater value than the ONT ZTE 113.13 Kbps. The average delay on the Huawei ONT is 6.67 ms, FiberHome is 7.25 ms. 0.11 ms. The overall value of packet loss is below 3% which is in the very good category. So it can be concluded that internet services using open ONT with the FiberHome and Huawei brands can be said to have better quality and capability compared to ZTE's non-open ONT. keywords: GPON, ONT, OLT, Triple Play, QoS Parameters} }