@thesis{thesis, author={Nurhajiawati Patadungan}, title ={Penentuan Sistem Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara Di Wilayah Indonesia Menggunakan ADS-B Berbasis Satelit}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6660/}, abstract={The area covered by the combination of PSR - Primary Surveillance Radar and SSR - Secondary Surveillance Radar is still unable to cover the entire surface of the earth. This has an impact on limited aircraft communication with ATC, especially in NonRadar areas. For this reason, an Indonesian airspace management system is needed for ATM transportation - Air Traffic Management based on satellite technology or what is called Space-Based ADS-B. The application of Space-based ADS-B will increase the accuracy and speed in transmitting information from aircraft to ATC and between aircraft, especially in remote areas. Space-based ADS-B can support new operational concepts whose effects on aviation can be transformative. For example, it can facilitate more direct flights, allow higher-flying aircraft, and fly on the fuel they carry, and increase air traffic. Space-based ADS-B technology itself has been applied in developed countries such as the United States, Canada, China, Denmark, and other developed countries. For the space-based ADS-B design in Indonesia, it will compare 2 different simulations based on time division and FIR - Flight Information Region by determining the number of satellites, satellite positions based on RAAN, sensor types and sensor sizes used in accordance with the requirements for monitoring This research uses the AGI STK device for simulation with simulation parameters using the Nanosatellite 1500 Km (LEO) from sea level. The sensor uses a simple conic sensor with cone half-angle = 43˚ for the Indonesian region based on the time division and cone half-angle = 45˚ for the Indonesian region based on the FIR. The result of the 1st simulation is that the division of Indonesian time takes 16 satellites to cover Indonesia's airspace for ± 24 hours, while for the second simulation result, which is based on FIR, 23 satellites are needed to cover Indonesia's airspace for ± 24 hours. From the two simulations above, it can be concluded that the second simulation is the best to be applied in Indonesia because spot beam coverage can cover all parts of Indonesia with a smaller number of satellites. Keywords: ADS-B, ATC, Spotbeam, Satellite, Sensor.} }