@thesis{thesis, author={Desi Rianti}, title ={Analisis Tekno Ekonomi Perencanaan Jaringan 5G Menggunakan Frekuensi 26 GHZ Di Daerah Kawasan Industri Pulogadung}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6661/}, abstract={The Pulogadung industrial area is one of the developing industrial areas, where 5G technology is ideal for implementation in industrial areas that help the wheels of the Indonesian economy, on the other hand the investment in performing a network must be known about the level of economic feasibility by an operator, so it should be noted that knowing The level of economic feasibility of an operator is very important before investing in network performance. This research focuses on analyzing the 5G network design in terms of coverage using the Urban Micro propagation model in the Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL) Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) Line of Sight scenarios. (LOS) and Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL) Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) scenarios. In addition, it also aims to discuss the discussion of the economic level of project feasibility using a pessimistic, moderate and optimistic scenario, which is based on the projection of an increase in the population growth of 5G users using the bass growth model method in the performance period in 2021-2030. Economic analysis uses the parameters of Capital Expenditure (CAPEX), Operational Expenditure (OPEX), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to determine the feasibility of planning the 5G New Radio network in the Pulogadung Industrial Area. Cost Benefit calculation from the results of the three feasibility scenarios for the techno-economic results of the first scenario for pessimists on the UL LOS side, the NPV value output is Rp. 35,114,240,092 and the IRR value is very high so there is no return rate, while DL LOS NPV value is Rp. – 38,842,225,751, even if the IRR value is the same, it does not show the percentage rate value. Furthermore, in the UL NLOS pessimistic scenario of Rp. 956,467,655,430 with undefined IRR and DL NLOS Rp. - 1,053,696,376,965, of the three scenarios, all of the pessimism shows the lowest or most lossy NPV and IRR values of all scenarios due to The number of sites obtained is also very large so that the purchase of assets issued is very high so that pessimism is not feasible to be implemented in the Pulogadung industrial area. The moderate scenario on the UL LOS side outputs an NPV value of IDR -10,945,975.88 and an IRR value of -17.89%, while DL LOS an NPV value of IDR -13,258,307,014.28, while the IRR value is -22.25%. Furthermore, in the moderate scenario UL NLOS Rp. 486,174,970,580.49 with undefined IRR and DL NLOS of Rp.-531,934,953,883 so that in the four moderate scenarios, everything is not said to be feasible. The last scenario on the optimistic side of UL NLOS Rp. -470,300,819,399.08 with undefined IRR and DL NLOS Rp. generate Rp. 5,492,813,106 with an IRR of 6.21% while DL O2O LOS NPV generates Rp. 3,179,003,290.37 with an IRR of 3.53% in this scenario the category is worthy of performance because it can produce accumulative NPV and IRR during the 10-years performance period can be used as a reference as a projection for the 5G NR network in the Pulogadung Industrial Area. Keywords: 5G NR, Coverage Planning, CAPEX, OPEX, NPV, IRR} }