@thesis{thesis, author={Fikri Adien Hidayat}, title ={Perancangan Dan Implementasi Prototype Jemuran Otomatis Menggunakan 4 Sensor LDR Dan Sensor Hujan FC 37 Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/6669/}, abstract={Clothesline is a tool used as a place to dry wet clothes that have just been washed with the help of the sun's heat, clothesline is a must-have tool in every home. But because there are busy daily activities, or even forget, clothesline is not neglected. In addition, the impact of global warming causes the season in Indonesia to be uncertain, and weather changes cannot be predicted anymore. With the presence of IoT technology, it is expected to be a solution to the problems that arise. In this case, the rain sensor is used to detect rain, the ESP8266 nodemcu is used as a controller that communicates in both directions, the LDR sensor is used to detect the presence of light, the DC motor to move clothesline, the android application is used for notification and control. From the test results it can be concluded that the work system that is made has worked well, namely the rain sensor and the LDR sensor can detect the presence of rain and light which then sends data to the nodemcu, then the nodemcu sends the data to google firebase as a database, from firebase will display to the application android in the form of notifications. The delay test is conducted from a distance of 1 to 10 meters using the wireshark application, and the results of the test are obtained the highest value at a distance of 10 meters with a delay value of 94.981 seconds, and the smallest delay value at a distance of 6 meters with a delay of 27.958 seconds. The resulting packet loss has an average of 0%, which means that the node used successfully sends packets without any loss, the packet loss results are influenced by the value of the large amount of data and the value of the delay. The largest throughput is 5597.84bit / s and the smallest throughput is 4244.21bit / s. Keywords: Clothesline, Rain Sensor, LDR Sensor, NodeMCU ESP8266, Android Application} }